Welcome to Professional Federal Retirement & Benefits Counseling, LLC, a Phoenix-based company which provides group and individual Federal retirement counseling nationwide, along with assistance in the completion of the retirement/benefits application package.

I am a former Supervisor with the Benefits & Compensation Division of Personnel Services for the US Postal Service, Arizona District. I have over 30 years of experience in Federal Retirements, Benefits and Compensation.  

Under my direction, my Personnel staff administered a high level of customer service to over 12,000 career postal employees in the Arizona District. We provided a series of full day Retirement Seminars for both CSRS and FERS employees. The seminars were available to all employees on a semi-annual basis, with information on the retirement systems, Thrift Savings, life insurance, health insurance, Social Security and more.

Below is a short biography about me:

  • Over 30 years experience with CSRS & FERS Retirements
  • Supervisor for the Benefits & Compensation Division of Personnel Services for the US Postal Service, Arizona District
  • Received on-going training in Benefits Support provided by the Office of Personnel Management
  • Expertise in Civil Service Retirement System, CSRS Offset Retirement System and Federal Employees Retirement System including VERA, Age-Based and Disability Retirements
  • Hands-on training experience in Thrift Savings, FEHB (Federal Employee Health Benefit Program), FEGLI (Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Program), Service Credit Deposits and Military Buybacks
  • Extensive knowledge of CSRS & FERS Disability Retirement Program, sick leave and annual leave. Provided on-line Social Security sign up for age based benefits as well as Disability Retirement Application
  • Active member of NARFE (National Association of Active and Retired Federal) and National Association of Postal Supervisors

In 2008 all US Postal Service District Personnel Offices were closed due to the creation of a Centralized Call Center located in Greensboro, NC. At that time I took an early retirement from the US Postal Service, and I created Federal Retirement & Benefits Counseling, LLC.

It is my sincere belief that Federal Agencies are not providing the type of services needed to assist Federal employees in understanding their retirement options and the benefits that they have earned with their years of service. This lack of knowledge can be financially costly to employees and retirees.

I believe there is a need for federal employees to be counseled on retirement benefits by an independent consultant who can be contacted by telephone or met on a one-on-one basis. My sincere goal is to provide a high level of service to my customers, and to provide them with the insight they need to make informed decisions that will optimize the retirement benefits that are available to them.

Frequently asked questions, along with a summary of my fees, can be seen here.


Professional Federal Retirement & Benefits Counseling, LLC, is not a federal government agency. I am a contractor providing services strictly related to federal retirements for US Postal Service employees and all Federal employees. I am trained in both the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) and the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS).

I am not a Financial Advisor or Financial Planner. I do not advise employees on money or investment issues related in any part to the Thrift Savings Program.

Retirement estimates are based on information from clients’ Annuity Estimate obtained from their employing Agency for a Civil Service Retirement (CSRS) or a Federal Employee Retirement (FERS).

All written and oral information and materials disclosed or provided by my clients is confidential information that will not be retained by me once the services are rendered. Nor will any personal or confidential information ever be provided to a third party. Confidential information would consist of client name, mailing address, date of birth, Social Security number, service dates, date of retirement, and employment address.

Copyright 2022 Professional Federal Retirement & Benefits Counseling, LLC.